Sunday, 9 September 2012

Just Sharing what I found Interesting :)

Since my blog is on photography, I do not lose an opportunity to look for what people are actually talking about it. This is when; I came across an article on The Guardian talking about a young photographer whose picture has been titled as the best picture. The guy’s name is Tom Archer and he talks about his passion just like me.

“The most menial of domestic sights can be beautiful, funny or baffling”, this is what Tom archer says. This is what in a way made him famous. His picture was very original; He also underlines the fact that he never ever goes out without his camera as he never loses a chance to capture something and no one would have imagined someone clicking such pictures and this make his pictures original. The picture that he clicked was about a woman ‘pulling the curtains’ bizarrely.

Coming back to what Tom Archer said that is “the most menial of domestic sights can be beautiful, funny or baffling”; according to him, the pictures that he clicks has got ‘hidden narratives’ in other words it incite the viewers to ponder about it and to ask themselves, why it is actually like this?

Then he comes to the fact saying that his shots are all candid and unstaged scenes and that he never talks to his subjects or asks for permission before clicking pictures. What do you think about it? Is he being unethical or he is just being a photographer???At some point I do agree to what he is saying and I also cannot deny the fact that I’ve done it too. But don’t you think that it might be risky for the guy?

He says that he tries never to leave the house without a camera. Whenever he does, he inevitably comes across something that would make a perfect picture”, I think it is true; the most unexpected things that we, people capture could certainly make it a perfect picture. But for this we must carry out cameras everywhere we go but nowadays it is not really a big deal, marketers have made our lives easier; I’m sure all of you must have heard of the Nokia 808 pure view and there are also many  other smart devices. So go for it!!! J

Photography is something really challenging, like I said in my previous posts, all of us are photographers; but to be good ones, we must work very hard and this is what Tom Archer actually says “"Don't do a degree in photography unless you are going to work hard, otherwise there is no point."

Phillips, S. (2012). Tom Archer's best photograph: secret Sheffield. Retrieved from

Thursday, 6 September 2012


La Nicoliere, Mauritius

         La Nicoliere, Mauritus

         Belle Mare Beach, Mauritius, After Sunset

        Greenery :)
                   La Nicoliere.... 


Thursday, 23 August 2012

Why would you guys be interested in my blog???

Photography…? Am I the only one interested over here? I don’t think so, as I’ve been myself inspired by others. I guess that I’m not the only one who is posting about photography but it is indeed really nice to see those superb pictures that are being posted every second by other photographers. Even at one glance we cannot ignore the quality of the pictures, I mean in terms of colours, resolution, framing and so on. Again coming to the question, why would you, friends be interested to view my blog?

 Photography allows people to voice anything, but they do it with their pictures instead and I believe that pictures convey a lot more than words. Also every photographer has their own style in expressing themselves. Even if there are many blogs on photography, I’ll try to post the best pictures that I’ve clicked. It might the best for me as well as the worse for others and this is the reason why I’m here, for you guys to criticize and help me in improving. Hopefully, others may get inspired by my pictures; we never know…

some people might even follow this new passion of theirs after viewing my blog and become great photographers later on, in their lives. I don’t think that there is someone who dislikes viewing pictures, because pictures gather people like for example when viewing your family album or some intriguing pictures, you will always want to share them or there will always be people surrounding you to see those pictures out of curiosity. Also we can forget words but not images as it can be kept anywhere in soft copies or in albums, and those pictures will always bring us something; it can be joy, grief or even surprise… Anyone can fall in love with photography, and I’ll be always encouraging others to learn it, as it is something that really in way ‘detach’ you from your stressful life and I believe that this is the best way to express ourselves. So long live photography! Put life in your pictures!

 P.S: feel free to comment guys, thank you 

Sunday, 19 August 2012

What’s there in Photography???

I always loved to take to pictures. Before I was taking pictures with my phone but the outcome was not really the same and if those same pictures were clicked with a good camera, the outcome would be awesome! There are loads and tons of blogs on Photography; and some pictures indeed make people speechless, we can’t even imagine how many stuffs, we, people can capture with that small ‘jewel’ (our camera) and immortalise moments of our lives.

Animals and natures inspire me a lot,  so, that is pictures, you guys will maybe find the most on my blog however nowadays photography is not only about taking pictures. We also cannot ignore the fact that every one of us is photographers, thanks to our smart devices. I once came across a quote saying that “having an expensive camera doesn’t make you a photographer”, I felt like I was being pinpointed but after a long thought I finally agreed to it; this quote is maybe contradicting to what I’ve just said but it’s true, like I’ve said before, photography is not only about taking pictures the whole day. It demands a lot of work, professionalism, creativity, experience and perseverance as there are many people who are best at it or maybe whom we think are best at it are still learning. This quote has in fact encouraged me in striving harder and maybe I will become really good at it later on. I’ve already learnt some techniques and would surely put that into practice. Even if I’m still in the category of novices, I’ll reach my goal and as we all say it, where there is a will there is always a way and Photography has been and is an ever growing passion in me…

Here  it is, in brief, why I chose photography as my topic. I know I said it before but I’m saying again, I’m not a professional photographer and I’m here to learn. I really need you guys as you are the one who can help me in improving myself. When I’ll be posting my pictures, I’ll look forward for your comments.