Sunday, 9 September 2012

Just Sharing what I found Interesting :)

Since my blog is on photography, I do not lose an opportunity to look for what people are actually talking about it. This is when; I came across an article on The Guardian talking about a young photographer whose picture has been titled as the best picture. The guy’s name is Tom Archer and he talks about his passion just like me.

“The most menial of domestic sights can be beautiful, funny or baffling”, this is what Tom archer says. This is what in a way made him famous. His picture was very original; He also underlines the fact that he never ever goes out without his camera as he never loses a chance to capture something and no one would have imagined someone clicking such pictures and this make his pictures original. The picture that he clicked was about a woman ‘pulling the curtains’ bizarrely.

Coming back to what Tom Archer said that is “the most menial of domestic sights can be beautiful, funny or baffling”; according to him, the pictures that he clicks has got ‘hidden narratives’ in other words it incite the viewers to ponder about it and to ask themselves, why it is actually like this?

Then he comes to the fact saying that his shots are all candid and unstaged scenes and that he never talks to his subjects or asks for permission before clicking pictures. What do you think about it? Is he being unethical or he is just being a photographer???At some point I do agree to what he is saying and I also cannot deny the fact that I’ve done it too. But don’t you think that it might be risky for the guy?

He says that he tries never to leave the house without a camera. Whenever he does, he inevitably comes across something that would make a perfect picture”, I think it is true; the most unexpected things that we, people capture could certainly make it a perfect picture. But for this we must carry out cameras everywhere we go but nowadays it is not really a big deal, marketers have made our lives easier; I’m sure all of you must have heard of the Nokia 808 pure view and there are also many  other smart devices. So go for it!!! J

Photography is something really challenging, like I said in my previous posts, all of us are photographers; but to be good ones, we must work very hard and this is what Tom Archer actually says “"Don't do a degree in photography unless you are going to work hard, otherwise there is no point."

Phillips, S. (2012). Tom Archer's best photograph: secret Sheffield. Retrieved from

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